"Presented here is nothing else than a whole new form of musical theatre that is being invented by the members of the Klangforum Wien and the Students of Anna Viebrock’s Scenography Class. This new genre (for which every of the prevalent current musical lexicae already reserved exactly seventeen lines in their upcoming publications) is enacting its musical and theatrical means not through the use of libretti or composition systems but through the coordinates of spacial surroundings.
Very much divorced from the traditions of opera and musical theatre the spaces designed by the scenography students evoke, manipulate and multiply composed (or improvised) reactions from the musicians operating in the area. The look and sound of these “echotectures” is impossible to predict."
(Malte Ubenauf)
Music: Lindsay Cooper
Arrangement: Lorelei Dowling
Fagott: Lorelei Dowling and Iva Ivanova
Cowbells: Iva Ivanova
Set design and costumes: Iva Ivanova
Semperdepot, Vienna